PiCam Module - UART...
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PiCam Module - UART Serial access

Mitglied Admin

Hello taskit-team

Can I use the EEPROM pins on the PiCam Module Board to access the Uart Serial pins on the CM4 (GPIO 14 TXD & 15 RXD on the standared Pi)?

If not is there any other way to access the CM4's Uart Serial via this board? Or is USB the only option?

Thanks in advance!

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 2 Jahren von mpurrmann
Themenstarter Veröffentlicht : 13/10/2022 11:03 am
Mitglied Admin

Dear customer,

no you can´t use the EEPROM pins to access the GPIO pins. The EEPROM pins are EEPROM_nWP Pin1 and Ground Pin2.
From the cm4io-datasheet: "EEPROM_nWP If fitted write protects the EEPROM on the CM4".

https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/cm4i ... asheet.pdf

None of the Uart Serial Pins from the cpu are connected to the board so USB ist the only option you have.

Themenstarter Veröffentlicht : 13/10/2022 11:04 am